Monday, December 21, 2009

David's Tomten jacket

David asked for a sweater/jacket and picked out red and blue peace fleece. He choose the EZ's Tomten jacket and insisted on buttons instead of a zipper.
here is the result
A very happy David.

Some dolls

So I have just given up on only homemade and bought tons of stuff, but I am having fun sewing some dolls for all of the little girls in my life.
I have been using this pattern and this one



I made another of the knotted doll, but haven't uploaded it yet. I couldn't tye it because I used cordaroy, but it still looks cute.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cloth Diapering items

I knitted some goveralls for dd and sewed a recycled wool soaker using old wool sweaters. The 2 white things are snappiable pocket fitted made from old flat diapers.

I am back

I have done a lot of crafting, but not a lot of posting so here are some more things I have made.

David and I made these from some felted wool sweater scraps as gifts for everyone. there are probably 4 or 5 more that are already wrapped

King Sized Pillowcases for my mom and stepdad

I sewed 3 reusable grocery bags for gifts for Ds's teachers. The other 2 have the fabric going the other way.

hat for philip
A crocheted hat for my nephew

A quilt for ds

2 more reusable shopping bags for dh's cousins

A scarf for ds's teacher

A scarf for ds's teacher

See I really was busy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Updated list

Over the weekend my sisters and I decided to buy for our mom and stepdad and all kids, but no other adults. Wahoo, that works for me because I never know what to give to them anyway.
Then on Sunday my brother in law said they don't want to do gifts for the adults either. Another wahoo cuz they have exensive taste and never give much in the way of ideas for themselves. We are still going to give to my Mother inlaw and father inlaw though. They are just to good to us to not give them something, plus they will be giving to us even if we tried to stop them.

People that still need to be bought/made for:
Mom- she wants kingsized pillowcases (any have the measurements for these?)
Ken- something sugar free and pillowcases
Logan- another pair of pj pants or 2
Mom G- no idea
Dad- no idea
Mark- not sure if we will be exchanging, something Redsox
Amy- not sure if we will be exchanging, but if we do I want to knit her this actually 3 of them
Phillip- knitted hat, though he has enough gifts, but it was requested
Grandma & Grandpa- usually assorted nut package cuz they have everything
Grandma- ?
David's 4 school teachers- David is making ornaments and I will sew/knit something depending on time
Chris- no idea, boy that man is tough
Christopher- we will see if he gets anything else after his $130 texting bill
David- I am still working on his tomten jacket so maybe he will get that by then
Juliana- longies, soakers, skirties, diapers, cloth wipes, stuffed animal with tags ????

All adults will also receive an ornament made by David and pictures of the kiddos.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some more pjs, gift bags and a pillowcase.

I sewed some giftbags today. I used 3 yards of fabric and only made 5 bags. One is a santa sack for SIL. She always liked mine so now she will have one of her own.

I also sewed a pair of pj pants and a matching pillowcase for my brother. He is 7 years old and picky so I hope he likes them.

PhotobucketThe santa bag is stuffed with the back of my oversized chair cushion.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

more giftbags and pj pants

I made some reusable giftbags for mt mom as an early Christmas gift today.
Yesterday I sewed another pair of pj pants for my hubby's cousin's daughter.

Time is running out for homemade Christmas gifts, I better hurry up.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pj's for the neice and nephew

pjToday I finally got my butt going. I sewed these quickly for my neice and nephew. They are a size 3t traced from a pair of ds's old pants. I was able to whip them up in about 20 minutes each and they are made from stash fabric and elastic. Yeah free Christmas gifts!!!!
I do want to applique a matching shirt for each. I may try sewing a kimono style top for the Ragged Anne ones.
I have one other little girl to sew a pair for too.

These are some wool longies (aka diaper covers) I sewed from recycled wool sweaters for dd. They are approximately a size 12-18 months.
I sewed the middle pair today from the katrina soaker pattern size medium and just added the sleeves for legs. I did add an extra layer in the soaker area. These aren't for Christmas, but I thought I would share anyways.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sorry I have been away.

I know I have been lazy about updating for the last month, but I really haven't done anything Christmas related. I did make $30 on ebay and am putting it towards gifts for the kids. I have also started seriously couponing. I got hungry hungry hippos travel game for $.99 after coupons.
Dh and I brought up an old table that the former owners of the house left behind and put it in the playrooom to be my sewing table Yeah!!!! We also put a bookcase in there and it is now organized.
I also found some more Christmas fabric to make more bags.
So hopefully I will be busy sewing instead of cleaning.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Britax giveaway Is giving away a britax Marathon carseat. Wow that thing looks amazing.

Friday, September 11, 2009


So I was unpacking some more boxes and found 2 vanilla candles with 3 wicks. they are the huge ones. I bought them years ago at Walmart's after Christmas clearance for around $1 each. Mom will love one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Free Magic School Bus book

The EPA is giving away a copy a The Magic School bus book. All you have to do is call and request it
info is right here
you will receive it in 7-10 days.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Well we spent 6 days in the PICU with ds2. He has finally been diagnosed with asthma. He ended up in the hospsital with rsv which I am sure he contracted during our 3 hour dr.'s office visit for physicals for all three kiddos. DD also contracted it. Since we got home I have been dealing with 2 sick kiddos who need breathing treatments every four hours around the clock. Needless to say it has been a very long 2 weeks.

Today I was able to actually function though and the boys helped me make vanilla extract. I ordered the vanilla beans from for about $7 with shipping and dh got cheap vodka (I am told the cheaper the better) in a glass bottle $6.99. I have enough beans to make another bottle too.
You simply split 4-6 beans and put them in the bottle (750ml).
Then shake occassionally and let sit for 3-4 months.
Finally strain through cheesecloth as you pour into bottles of your choosing.
I will pick up bottles when I find them cheap. Though I hear Michael's sells them for about $1 each with corks.
It ends up being about $0.60/ounce plus the cost of packaging.
I am going to give this to SIL, MIL, Grandma and my Sister

I also took cutting from a Christmas Cactus that was getting too large for FIL's desk at work and potted them up as gifts using old pots and a $4 bag of cactus soil.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another tutu

Here is another tutu. This one will be for dh's cousin's daughter.

I bought 2 rolls of tulle 6" wide with 50% off coupons
the flowers were on clearance 70% off plus 20% off coupon $0.59
I found the 1/2" elastic in my sewing boxes
I went back to the Joann's sale and received my free $5 gift card
I used the left over gift card to get some tulle that was in the remnant bin
total spent= $0.09

I love making these tutus so much I think I am going to make them and sell them at a craft fair this fall.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I made these last week, but needed fusible velcro to finish them.
I used the lazy girl designs wonder wallet. I have decided I am going to give these to all of the ladies in my life this year.
It only takes a 1/4 yrd of fabric or a 1/2 a fat quarter each (from my stash). Super simple and super cheap.


I went to the grand reopening of my local Joann's store this morning. They were giving away a $5 gift card and free reusable bag to the first 50 customers in the door. We were in line and got one (sorry kids don't get any). While there we picked up 4 yrds of $1.49 tulle= $2.98, some serger thread $3.50, and some fusible velcro$1.79=$8.27 after coupons. Total after gift card = $3.27, but since the serger thread really isn't needed for Christmas gifts I am going to count this as free for Christmas gifts, but coming out of my me fund.

So what am I going to do with the tulle, make a tutu of course for my neice. I will get more and make one for dh's cousin's daughter too.
I used this tutorial
I used 1/4" elastic that is left over from diaper making

Here is my free tutu
I am going to buy some hair elastics (pony tail holders) and make hair tutus to match.
I am also going to try and hit the Joann's sale Friday and Saturday too.

I hope you are enjoying these cheap/frugal gift ideas.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here are some fabric gift bags I sewed last night. I made 6 of them from fabric I bought years ago. Yeah no wrapping paper this year or ever again which is better for the environment and wallet too. (Santa does bring wrapped gifts though)

Friday, August 7, 2009

My gift giving list

Here is the gift giving list:
Christopher (my son age 11)lego cars ($4),stainless steel water bottle ($0.37 at old navy after coupon and gc that was free from the mall) , he was supposed to get a cell phone and we gave it to him early and e ran up a $130 texting bill after being told we don't have a texting plan so each text cost $0.20 each (which is wrong it is actually $0.25) so we have to decide if he get anything other than coal at this point
David (my son age 4)- free geotrax dvd, rocket ship toy organizer/thingy ($2.48 on clearance at Target), Green Eggs and Ham dvd ($2.75 at Target after coupon) , the magic school bus book (free), lego cars ($4), stainless steel water bottle ($0.37 at old navy after coupon and gc that was free from the mall), fishing game (dh found for $1.75), 4 Berenstain Bear books (I won them on a blog giveaway), Carz stamps ($1), Carz notebook ($1), Metal slinky ($1), alphabet placemat ($1)
Juliana (my daughter age 5 mnths now) - baby legs ($2.48 on clearance at Target) Alphabet pal ($0.49) , princess ship organizer ($2.48)
Mom Vanilla extract, vanilla 3 wick candle (free from unpacking)
Logan (my brother age 7)-crayons ($0.25), pj pants made from stash fabric and elastic (free), matching pillowcase (free) , Star Wars coloring book ($1)
Mother in Law vanilla extract
Father in Law
Brother in Law
Sister in Law vanilla extract
Katie (my neice age 1) tutu (free), pj pants (free), Leap frog alphabet pal ($0.49 from Target using coupons and price matching regularly $20)
Ashley ( my neice age 7 mnths)- baby legs ($2.48 on clearance at Target) a Taggies book (from a clearance book store, but was bought as a gift for someone else and never given to them)
Amy (dh's cousin's wife) wonder wallet ($0.89 the price will go down as I make more and use the fusible velcro)
Mark (dh's cousin)
Hannah ( age 1)Leap frog alphabet pal ($0.49 from Target using coupons and price matching regularly $20), pajama pants from stash (free), tutu
Phillip (my nephew age 1)- rocket ship toy organizer/shelf thing ($2.48 on clearance at Target), pj pants (free),Leap frog alphabet pal ($0.49 from Target using coupons and price matching regularly $20)
Chyanne (dh's cousin's daughter age 4)-Fly wheels ($1.48 on clearance at Target), crayons ($0.25) skirt, scrunchy and bag made from stash fabric and elastic
Grandma vanilla extract, Christmas Cactus
Grandpa Christmas Cactus
Grandma (the other one)
David's 4 teachers 1 will get a candle, 1 will get a wonder wallet,
My sisters and bil are off the list because we agreed to not give each other gifts and focus on the kids. Though we will still give pics of the kids and a homemade ornament.
I know there are others that aren't listed yet, but these are who I know about now.

Something for my nephew

I just found this and am thinking it would be perfect for my nephew. He is 1 1/2 yrs old. It will be perfect with his rocket ship toy organizer.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A gift for a cousin done

I made dh's cousin's daughter a skirt, scrunchy and bag for Christmas.
I used fabric and elastic I had left over from other projects. I also threw in a fly wheel toy I got at Target for $1.48 and box of crayons for a quarter. Total for the gift is $1.73, I am putting that into the bank from paypal. Plus the bag is going to be the gift bag.
Good morning,
I just found that fischerprice is giving away a geotrax dvd and a precious places dvd. These will make great gifts.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


My name is Daphne. I am a stay at home mom of three amazing kids.
I am starting this blog to motivate myself to stick to my crazy Christmas plan. So... here goes. I plan on not spending anything on Christmas gifts this year. I have a large stash of yarn and fabric to help me do this. For anything that I want/need to buy I must sell something or earn the extra money through incentive programs like CVS, Rite Aid, rebates, Search & Win and . I have $30 in paypal to start, from items I sold within the last month.

Do you think it is possible?